Andrej Kobal
Andrej Kobal is a Slovenian composer and sound designer. In 2010, he earned the title of electronic music producer from the SAE international institute. In 2013, he successfully completed a masterclass in electronic music with Professor Roberto Girolin at the Vivaldi Institute in Tržič, Italy.
Andrej Kobal works in various fields of musical creation, including original compositions, sound design, and compositions for film music and theater. He also creates sound installations and custom-made electronic virtual instruments.
For sound design, he uses the music programming environment Max MSP, with which he builds his virtual instruments and creates unique sound creations. Within Max MSP, he developed the virtual instrument for granular sound synthesis called GranuRise, which has received significant international recognition.
Andrej Kobal’s works have been presented at various internationally significant festivals and institutions in the form of concerts, live performances, lectures, and sound art installations.
