
  • Clockwork Voltage MENT 2025

    Get ready for one of this years Specials with Clockwork Voltage! FESTIVALThe Slovenian modular synthesis community will present 9 artists at various venues on February 13th and 14th. CONFERENCEOn February 13th we are starting this special collaboration with a round…

  • Clockwork Voltage Festival

    Festival ticket: 20€ Eventim ticket The three-day festival aims to promote modular synthesis and showcase artists who use a unique musical instrument for their live performances: the sound synthesiser. Gallery 28.10.2024 28. October 2024, at 20.00Komuna, Kino Šiška (Komuna)Technoid modular-synthetic…

  • Voltage Waves – City of Woman

    At the event Voltage Waves, new members will present their devices and delight us with exceptional soundscapes and dance rhythms created live using both sound and visual synthesizers. The community is open to a wide range of genres and diverse analog…

  • Fête de la musique – Modular on the Spot

    21 June 2024, 16:00–20:00, Foerster Garden, Ljubljana Clockwork Voltage se pridružuje mednarodni seansi Modular on the spot, kjer se ustvarjalci z modularnimi sintetizatorji in različnimi drugimi sintetičnimi zvočili srečujejo na javnih površinah, parkih in drugih naravnih ambientih. Za prvo Modular…

  • Clockwork Voltage Showcase @niansa

    Festival: niansa gatheringVenue: Rokov ŠkocjanDate: 31 May 2024, 20:00–23:00Performers: (sound) beepblip, Godec, DUF, Nalax Temus (visuals) Francesco Scarel Clockwork Voltage is a community united by their enthusiasm for modular synthesizers. As interest in creating with modular synthesizers continues to grow…

  • A musical meeting of local modular scene

    Event: Day of CultureVenue: Cukrarna Gallery, LobbyDate: 8 February 2024, 17:00–19:00Performers: beepblip, brgs, Joondroid, Shekuza Experience a unique musical journey by the Slovenian community, united by its enthusiasm for modular synthesisers. The community of the local modular musical scene manifests itself…