Fête de la musique – Modular on the Spot
21 June 2024, 16:00–20:00, Foerster Garden, Ljubljana
Clockwork Voltage se pridružuje mednarodni seansi Modular on the spot, kjer se ustvarjalci z modularnimi sintetizatorji in različnimi drugimi sintetičnimi zvočili srečujejo na javnih površinah, parkih in drugih naravnih ambientih. Za prvo Modular on the spot srečanje domače skupnosti smo se povezali s Slovenskim glasbenoinformacijskim centrom SIGIC, ki že več let redno pripravlja dogodke ob svetovnem prazniku glasbe po vsej Ljubljani. Vabimo vas pod krošnje Foersterjevega vrta v Ljubljani, kjer boste v štirih urah priča enajstim live actom, ki vas bodo pobožali s svojim ambientalnim soničnim pogledom. Med nastopajočimi se bo ambientalnim soničnim izzivom predalo nekaj znanih članov skupnosti, predvsem pa bomo priča obilici novih imen, ki vam bodo premierno servirali popolnoma drugačno iskušnjo kot ste je od njih vajeni.
Clockwork Voltage joins the international session Modular on the Spot, in which creators with modular synthesisers and other synthetic sound devices meet in public spaces, parks and other natural environments. In the first edition of the Modular on the Spot in the local community, we connected with the Slovenian Music Information Center SIGIC, which has organised Fête de la musique events for the World Music Festival all over Ljubljana for several years. Welcome to the canopies of the Foerster Garden! You will witness eleven ambient live acts in four hours. Among the performers, some are well-known members of the community, but above all, we will have the delight of listening to an abundance of new acts, who will create a fresh breeze with their newest sonic explorations.
Joondroid – ambient
Tworoundrobins – ambient
Kathron – space and time
BeatMyth – sonic beats
beepblip – Dark Expanse, ambientala
dvidevat – cinematic scores
Quasar – ambient techno
Umdhlebi – dark ambient aura
shape(s)witch – cyborg DIY
MBerlin – living room experience
Nulla – ambient